The Loon's Call Click here to buy at Bandcamp

Anne is an amateur bluegrass musician and fiddle jammer who lives in Bowmanville, Ontario. She composed the tunes on this album, and added a little mandolin.

After playing bluegrass mandolin for fun for many years, Anne was given the violin that her mother had played as a teenager. Recently retired, she took up the long process of learning to play it. She was invited by Ken Ramsden to take part in the Peterborough Celtic Jam, where the more accomplished players welcomed her and encouraged her to keep practising (quietly...)

Exposed there to many wonderful compositions by modern fiddlers, particularly those of Brian Pickell and Larry Unger, Anne decided to try to make one herself, and came up with "Wind on the Shore". She decided to write some tunes that she could play herself (slow ones, that is), so she wrote a number of waltzes, including the "Snowy Evening Waltz", which was played at the session.

Anne was invited by Curtis Driedger to join the fledgling Mandolin Society of Peterborough orchestra, where she enjoyed playing music from a variety of genres; she composed a number of pieces for this group of enthusiastic musicians.

While in the process of publishing two books of her fiddle tunes, Anne met Saskia and Steafan, who were newly arrived from the United Kingdom. Saskia became Anne's violin teacher, and gave her a lot of advice about how fiddle tunes of various rhythms should be written down, and especially with violin bowing. Anne also sought the advice of Peterborough guitarist Michael Ketemer about chords.

In March 2019 Saskia and Steafan began recording some of Anne's tunes in their Shmooosic Studio in Baltimore, fitting sessions in between more time-sensitive tasks. They recruited Oisin and Sam to participate in the project, and the album was finally finished in April, 2020.


Anne Delong